

Sen. Sarah Eckhardt headshot

Sen. Sarah Eckhardt

Democrat - TX - 14th district

Overall Rating

2023: 12.95%

Ratings by Policy Category












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Lawmaker Position

Fueling Out-of-Control Spending Through a $321.3 Billion Budget (21.3% Increase) with Countless Provisions that Further Grow the Size and Scope of Government.

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Against Moms

Expanding Cronyism and Diluting the Tax Base Through Additional Subsidies under the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Election Integrity by Increasing the Penalty for Knowingly Engaging in Voting Fraud.

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Against Moms

Fueling Tens of Millions in Wasteful Spending by Extending the Unnecessary Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office for Another 12 Years.

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Against Moms

Raiding the State's Rainy Day Fund to Channel over $3.4 Billion in Additional Funding to Woke Universities.

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Against Moms

Expanding Government Power to Shutdown Competition within the Optometry Industry.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Public Safety by Allowing Courts to Remove Rogue DAs which Refuse to Prosecute Crime.

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Against Moms

Reducing Frivolous Litigation by Providing Liability Protections to Rideshare Companies.

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Against Moms

Protecting Farmers from Government Overreach by Preventing Local Governments from Imposing Additional Regulations on the Agricultural Industry.

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With Moms

Fueling Runaway Spending and Enriching Government-Favored Educational Entities through the Creation of the "Lone Star Workforce Future Fund".

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No vote

Strengthening Individual Liberties and Charitable Giving by Authorizing Professional Sports Team Charitable Foundations to Offer Raffle Tickets Online.

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With Moms

Strengthening Self-Defense and Second Amendment Rights by Limiting School "Gun-Free Zones" to Only School-Owned Property.

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No vote

Expanding Individual Liberties and Tax Revenue by Allowing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol at a Fine Arts Performing Venue in Arlington.

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With Moms

Reducing Employment Barriers and Expanding Competition Through an Alternative Licensing Pathway for HVAC Technicians.

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Against Moms

Improving the State's Business Climate by Creating a Specialized Business Court to Hear Cases and Expedite Legal Proceedings.

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No vote

Growing Government Central Planning and Runaway Spending by Forcing Taxpayers to Pay Off the Student Loan Debt of Veterinarians in Additional Regions of the State.

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Against Moms

Forcing Taxpayers to Pay up to $5 Million Annually for a New Rural College and Career Pathways Program.

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No vote

Hiking Natural Gas Utility Costs for Texans to Enrich Utility Companies and Create New Energy Conservation Programs.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Self-Defense and Public Safety by Authorizing Retired Judges to Carry a Firearm into Courthouses and Other Restricted Places.

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Against Moms

Expanding Government Overreach through New Annual Mandates on Ridesharing Drivers Pertaining to Human Trafficking Training.

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Against Moms

Growing Government Dependency by Expanding the Medicaid Welfare Program to Now Cover Home Telemonitoring Services.

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Against Moms

Protecting Second Amendment Rights by Preventing Localities from Imposing Liability Insurance Mandates on Firearm Owners.

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Against Moms

Providing Significant Regulatory Relief to Car Owners by Eliminating the State's Mandatory Annual Vehicle Safety Inspection.

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Against Moms

Growing Government Bureaucracy by Establishing the Texas Food System Security and Resiliency Planning Council.

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Against Moms

Growing Government Bureaucracy and Wasteful Spending through the Creation of the Texas Space Commission and the Aerospace Research and Space Economy Consortium.

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Against Moms

Protecting Truck Rental Companies from Frivolous Litigation for Not Retrofitting Trucks with Safety Equipment Upon their Sale.

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With Moms

Expanding Borrowing and Lending Opportunities by Raising the Maximum Allowable Interest Rate on Consumer Loans by Including the Federal Funds Rate in the Calculation.

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With Moms

Worsening Cronyism by Making it Even Easier for Woke Hollywood Production Companies to become Enriched through Taxpayer Subsidies.

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With Moms

Fueling Lawlessness and Business Closures by Making it Harder to Prosecute and Punish Cases of Organized Retail Theft.

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Against Moms

Expanding Cronyism and Government Interference in the Energy Sector through a New Hydrogen Vehicle and Infrastructure Grant Program.

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Against Moms

Expanding Cronyism and Enriching Government-Favored Corporations through a New Property Tax Exemption Scheme.

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With Moms

Worsening Cronyism and Government Central Planning by Creating the Texas Semiconductor Innovation Consortium to Enrich Certain Companies.

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Against Moms

Increasing Taxation and the Growth of Government by Allowing Angelina County to Impose New Taxes on Hotels for Wasteful Tourism Promotion Initiatives.

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Against Moms

Increasing Frivolous Litigation and Legal Liabilities by Making "Hair Texture and Style" a Protected Characteristic in Employment and Housing.

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No vote

Strengthening National Security and Helping to Combat Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking Through Additional Border Security Funding and Property Owner Compensation.

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Against Moms

Enriching Comcast and other Woke Corporations by Forcing Taxpayers to Provide "Broadband Equity" through a Government Central Planning Scheme.

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Against Moms

Protecting K-12 Students from Pornographic Content by Prohibiting the Sale or Distribution of Obscene Materials to Public Schools.

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Against Moms

Growing Government to Now License and Regulate Electric Vehicle Charging Devices.

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Against Moms

Protecting Consumer Choice by Preventing Localities from Imposing any Ordinance which Restricts or Bans Gas-Powered Engines or a Source of Energy.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Election Integrity through a System for Candidates and Election Judges to Inquire About Election Irregularities and Seek Review by the Secretary of State.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Election Integrity through an Additional Voter Crosscheck.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Integrity of the Education System by Prohibiting Discussion of Sensitive Issues Surrounding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in K-12 Classrooms.

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Against Moms

Hiking Automobile Insurance Premiums by Imposing New Mandates which Require Usage of OEM Parts for Vehicle Repairs.

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Against Moms

Restricting Competition by Prohibiting Estheticians and Cosmetologists from Injecting Botox.

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Against Moms

Hiking Property Taxes through a New Tax Exemption Scheme which Socializes Childcare Facility Costs.

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Against Moms

Worsening Cronyism and Government Central Planning by Expanding Eligibility for the Major Events Reimbursement Fund to Include Additional Events.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Law and Order by Permitting the State Attorney General to Prosecute Certain Crimes if Local Prosecutors Refuse.

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No vote

Protecting Minors from Sexual Content by Ensuring Adult Entertainment is Not Performed on Public Property and that Minor Access is Restricted.

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Against Moms

Protecting Taxpayers by Requiring Clear Notification of Tax Increases on Ballot Propositions.

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Against Moms

Hiking Consumer Property Insurance Costs by Imposing New Protectionist Regulations on Insurance Deductibles.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Parental Rights in Education by Ensuring only Age-Appropriate Materials are Displayed in Public School Libraries.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Law and Order by Ensuring Bail is Imposed for Most Felony Offenses.

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Against Moms

Promoting Electric Vehicles and Hiking Roadway Maintenance Costs through a 2,000 lbs. Weight Exemption for all Electric-Powered Vehicles.

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Against Moms

Protecting Children Under 18 from Sex-Reassignment Surgeries and Prescriptions with Irreversible Implications Until they are Old Enough to Consent.

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Against Moms

Strengthening National Security by Creating an Interstate Compact for Border Security to Help Combat Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking.

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Against Moms

Imposing Price Controls and New Government Mandates on Automobile Dealerships Pertaining to Vehicle Financing.

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Against Moms

Ensuring Fair Competition in Collegiate Athletics by Prohibiting Biological Males from Competing in Female Competitions.

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Against Moms

Providing School Choice for Students who are Victims of Misconduct or Sexual Grooming Occurring within a Public School.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Government Accountability and Transparency by Reforming the Public Information Request System to Quicken Response Times and Reduce Bad Faith Requests.

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No vote

Protecting Students from Forced Acceptance of Critical Race Theory (CRT) at Public Colleges and Universities.

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Against Moms

Protecting Minors from Sexual Content by Defunding Public Libraries which Host Drag Queen Events.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Parental Rights in Education by Prohibiting Discussion of Sensitive Issues Surrounding Human Sexuality without Parental Consent.

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Against Moms

Further Growing Government's Unsustainable Land Holdings through a $1 Billion Centennial Parks Conservation Fund Program.

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Against Moms

Protecting Taxpayer Funds from Being Utilized for Politicized "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" (DEI) Offices at Public College Campuses.

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Against Moms

Protecting Free Speech and Assembly on Public College Campuses by Ensuring Student Organizations Can Set Membership Policies Based on their Sincerely Held Beliefs.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Property Rights and Combatting Overreaching Zoning Regulations by Allowing Homes to be Constructed on Smaller Lots.

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No vote

Ensuring Colleges and Universities can Remove Poor-Performing Professors by Restricting the Use of Tenure.

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Against Moms

Protecting Texans from Politicized Climate Change Agendas by Requiring Municipal Charters on Climate Change be Adopted by the Legislature.

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Against Moms

Strengthening National Security by Banning TikTok from Being Accessed on State-Issued Devices.

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With Moms

Strengthening Election Integrity Through Increased Oversight of Ballot Collection.

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Against Moms

Expanding Individual Liberties by Allowing Individuals to Sell Sealed 20+ Year Old Wine to Restaurants.

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With Moms

Strengthening Election Integrity by Prohibiting Election Officials from Suspending Requirements for Mail-In Ballot Review.

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Against Moms

Improving Educational Outcomes by Expanding School Choice Through an Education Savings Account Program.

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Against Moms

Increasing Employment Barriers and Enriching Certain Educational Institutions by Forcing Dieticians to Obtain Masters Degrees.

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Against Moms

Increasing Public Safety by Providing for the Removal of "Reform-Minded" Judges Who Promote Lawlessness by Persistently Failing to Impose Bail.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Law and Order by Imposing 10-Year Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Serious Firearm Felonies.

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Against Moms

Worsening Cronyism and Government Central Planning by Forcing Taxpayers to Subsidize an Even Greater Range of Events (Formula 1 and Equestrian) under the "Major Events Reimbursement Fund".

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Against Moms

Hiking Electricity Rates by Imposing a 1% Annual Energy Savings Goal by 2030 on all Utility Companies.

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Against Moms

Protecting Individual Liberties by Prohibiting Government-Imposed COVID-19 Vaccine or Mask Mandates.

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Against Moms

Providing Property Tax Relief to Homeowners by Raising the Homestead Exemption to $100,000.

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With Moms

Protecting Property Owners from being Taxed by Municipalities for Services which they Are Not Provided.

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No vote

Diluting the Tax Base and Shifting Tax Burdens onto other Products and Individuals through Special Sales Tax Exemptions for Tampons, Menstrual Products and Baby Items.

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Against Moms

Expanding Government Power in the Orthodontics Industry to Shutdown Competition by Online Providers of "Clear Aligners" such as SmileDirectClub.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Election Integrity by Requiring the Result of Early In-Person Voting to be Printed Immediately Upon the Closure of Polls on Election Day.

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Against Moms

Expanding Economic Growth by Increasing the Franchisee Tax Exemption from $1 Million to $2.47 Million.

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With Moms

Restoring Law and Order by Earmarking $1.54 Billion in State Funds to Construct Barriers Securing the Mexico Border.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Medical Freedom by Preventing Licensing Boards from Taking Actions Against Doctors for Prescribing Off-Label Drugs to Treat Conditions Such as COVID-19.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Law and Order by Increasing Penalties for Tampering with a Gas Pump to Steal Fuel.

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With Moms

Strengthening Property Rights by Limiting Certain Overreaching Building Height Restrictions Imposed in Densely Populated Areas.

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With Moms

Strengthening National Security and Law and Order through 10 Year Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Human Trafficking.

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Against Moms

Restoring Law and Order by Authorizing Texas Police to Arrest Illegal Immigrants Crossing the Border from Mexico to Texas.

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Against Moms

Protecting Taxpayers by Prohibiting Localities from Issuing Bonds (Debt) to Purchase Personal Property that has a Lifecycle Expected to Expire Before the Bond Matures.

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Against Moms

Growing Government Interference in the Private Marketplace through an Overreaching Ban on "Grinch Bots" for Online Sales.

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No vote

Reducing Government and Fiscal Accountability by Allowing Municipal Tax Levies to Continue for up to 10 Years (Previously 4 Years) without Voter Approval.

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Against Moms

Worsening Cronyism by Expanding Local Subsidies for Hotel and Convention Centers.

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Against Moms

Protecting the Ability of School Districts and Charter Schools to Employ Chaplains.

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Against Moms

Strengthening Individual Liberties and Medical Freedom by Providing the "Right to Try" Experimental Drugs to treat Severe Chronic Diseases.

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With Moms

Protecting Against Local Government Overreach by Ensuring Only the State Can Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

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Against Moms

Growing the Regulatory State through an Excessive "Food Allergen Awareness" Poster Mandate on all Restaurants and Food Establishments.

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Against Moms

Imposing Overreaching New Regulations on the Insurance Industry by Banning Private Companies from Setting their own Policies Surrounding ESG.

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No vote

Strengthening Property Rights by Protecting Businesses from Local Zoning Changes.

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With Moms

Strengthening Property Rights by Prohibiting Local Governments from Imposing Additional Regulations which Restrict Eviction Proceedings.

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Against Moms

Increasing Health Insurance Premiums by Mandating All Policies Provide Coverage for Biomarker Testing.

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Against Moms

Strengthening the Integrity of the Public Education System by Establishing a Constitutional Right of Parents to "Direct the Education" of Their Child and Providing Parents a Series of Rights.

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Against Moms

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