


Our position

Authorizing a Defense Bill without the Removal of Countless Radical Left Policies Surrounding Abortion, Transgenderism, Critical Race Theory, and Civil Liberty Violations.

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Weakening Civil Liberties by Maintaining the FISA Provision within the NDAA, which has Allowed the Warrantless Surveillance of the Trump Campaign and Thousands of Other Americans.

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Harming the Ability to Negotiate a Fiscally-Responsible Budget by Passaging a CR that Delays a Government Shutdown to Right Before the Holidays.

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Fueling Out-of-Control Spending by Providing $6 Billion in Additional Funding to Ukraine and Passing a Short-Term CR that Weakens the Chance of Passing a Responsible Budget.

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Continuing Out-of-Control Spending through a CR Without Any Fiscal Restraints or Border Security Measures

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Advancing Fiscal Responsibility through a 15% Cut in Spending within the Short-Term CR Government Funding Bill.

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Fueling Out-of-Control Spending through a Minibus Appropriations Package with "Historic" Levels of New Welfare Spending and Enormous Agency Budgets.

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Placing a Critical Check on the Regulatory Power of Unelected Bureaucrats through the REINS Act.

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Protecting U.S. Standings Abroad and American Farmers by Enforcing a Treaty Commitment with Mexico.

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Promoting Transparency over the Federal Reserve System by Requiring an Audit of the Unaccountable Entity.

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Safeguarding Democracy by Defunding Biden's Executive Order that Utilizes Taxpayer Resources to Advance Partisan Politics through Voter Mobilization Activities.

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Advancing Fiscal Responsibility through a $30 Billion Cut in Discretionary Spending within the Minibus Appropriations Package and Rescinding $25 Billion in IRS Funding.

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Restoring Fiscal Responsibility by Prohibiting Earmarks within the Minibus Appropriations Package that Drive Runaway Spending for Lawmaker Pet Projects.

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Preventing the Weaponization of the Federal Appropriations Process by Bureaucrats Attempting to Push Policies Surrounding Transgenderism in Local Schools.

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Providing an Additional $676 million to the 9/11 Compensation Fund without Desperately Needed Reforms to Prevent Continued Cash Grabs by Law Firms.

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Ensuring U.S. Funds and Dividends at the International Monetary Fund are Not Channeled to Countries that Sponsor Terrorism without Congressional Approval.

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Protecting Taxpayer Funds from Waste, Fraud and Abuse by Requiring an Audit and Investigation into the $113 Billion in U.S. Funding Provided to Ukraine.

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Ensuring U.S. Service Members Dismissed as the Result of the COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate May Seek Reinstatement and Have their Discharge Statuses Changed.

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Strengthening NATO Accountability by Withholding Aid for Ukraine Until the Other NATO Member Nations Meet their Obligation of Two Percent of GDP Defense Spending.

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Combatting Budgetary Gimmicks in Ukraine Spending by Ensuring Equipment Valuation is Based on Actual Cost to Taxpayers and Not Lower Depreciation Values.

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Ensuring NATO Does Not Supersede Congress' Constitutional Authority to Declare War.

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Handicapping a Future Trump Administration from Negotiating and Pulling the U.S. Out of NATO if Other Member Nations Fail to Make their Contributions.

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Prohibiting the Draining of the U.S. Strategic Oil Reserve to Bolster Adversary Nations

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Ensuring Veterans don't Lose their Second Amendment Rights if they Seek Assistance to Manage their Finances at the VA.

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Reducing Housing and Taxpayer Costs by Nullifying a Biden Administration Rule Imposing More Stringent Energy Efficiency Standards on Government Subsidized or Financed Housing.

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Combatting Regulatory Overreach by Nullifying Biden Administration Rules Forcing Banks to Report and Publish Additional Data Pertaining to Race, Ethnicity, and Sex.

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Protecting Individual Liberties by Preventing the Dept. of Transportation from Imposing COVID-19 Mask Mandates in FY 2024.

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Protecting Property Rights by Nullifying an Overreaching Biden Administration Rule Concerning the Northern-Long Eared Bat on the Endangered Species Act.

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Protecting Property Rights by Nullifying an Overreaching Biden Administration Rule Concerning the Lesser Prairie Chicken on the Endangered Species Act.

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Strengthening Second Amendment Rights by Nullifying a Biden Administration Rule that Subjects Pistols with a Stabilizing Brace to Additional Regulations and Registration Mandates.

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Nullifying an Onerous Truck Emission Regulation Imposed by the Biden Administration that Results in Significant Commercial Vehicle Price Hikes.

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Advancing a U.S. Financial Collapse by Lifting the Debt Limit without Enacting Any Significant Fiscal Restraints to Stop the Deficit Spending.

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Preventing Future Debt Limit Defaults by Enacting Automatic Cuts in Discretionary Spending.

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Restoring Fiscal Sanity through a "Five Penny Plan" that Makes Significant Cuts in Spending and Balances the Budget within Five Years.

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Preventing the Debt Limit Bill's "Pay-Go" Provision from Being Bypassed thus Ensuring Any Additional Spending is Offset by Cuts Elsewhere.

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Promoting Self-Sufficiency by Making Permanent the Work Requirement Provisions within the Debt Limit Bill.

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Combatting Illegal Immigration by Including the "Secure the Border Act" within the Debt Limit Bill.

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Spiking Business and Consumer Costs by Imposing an Additional 25% Tax on Imports from China to Balance a Fictitious Trade Deficit.

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Combatting Wealth Redistribution by Blocking the Biden Administration's $156 Billion Student Loan Forgiveness Scheme.

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Protecting Taxpayers by Blocking $650 Billion in Student Loan Forgiveness Authorized by the Biden Administration.

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Overturning a Biden Administration Policy that Provides Residency Status to Immigrants who Are Reliant on Government Welfare Programs

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Combatting Skyrocketing Crime and Attacks on Police by Overturning the D.C. Council's Dangerous Policing and Criminal Justice Reforms.

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Overturning a Package of Dangerous Criminal Justice Reforms in DC that Weaken Mandatory Minimum Sentences and Fuel Greater Lawlessness.

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Strengthening Government Accountability by Establishing an Office of the Special Inspector General for Ukraine Assistance.

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Strengthening Government Integrity by Reorganizing a FEMA Program Board to Ensure the Individuals Appropriating $1 Billion in Funds are not also the Recipients of the Cash.

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Strengthening Individual Liberties by Penalizing Localities that Terminated Employees for Refusing to Obtain a COVID-19 Vaccination.

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Strengthening Government Accountability by Prohibiting the U.S. from Entering into any Agreement with the World Health Organization without Senate Approval.

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Strengthening Property Rights by Overturning Biden Administration Regulations Providing the EPA Overreaching Authority under the Waters of the United States Rule.

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Overturning a Biden Administration Rule Authorizing Fiduciaries to Invest in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors Against their Clients Best Interests.

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Overturning a Biden Administration Rule which Paves the Way for Taxpayer Funding of Abortion on Demand at the VA Without Critical Safeguards.

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Authorizing a Defense Bill without the Removal of Countless Radical Left Policies Surrounding Abortion, Transgenderism, Critical Race Theory and Civil Liberty Violations.

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Harming the Ability to Negotiate a Fiscally-Responsible Budget by Passaging a CR that Delays a Government Shutdown to Right Before the Holidays.

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Continuing Out-of-Control Spending through a CR Without Any Fiscal Restraints or Border Security Measures

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Combatting Regulatory Overreach by Nullifying Biden Administration Rules, Forcing Banks to Report and Publish Additional Data Pertaining to Race, Ethnicity, and Sex.

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Nullifying an Onerous Truck Emission Regulation Imposed by the Biden Administration that Results in Significant Commercial Vehicle Price Hikes.

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Strengthening Second Amendment Rights by Nullifying a Biden Administration Rule that Subjects Pistols with a Stabilizing Brace to Additional Regulations and Registration Mandates.

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Protecting Property Rights by Nullifying an Overreaching Biden Administration Rule Concerning the Lesser Prairie Chicken on the Endangered Species Act.

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Protecting Property Rights by Nullifying an Overreaching Biden Administration Rule Concerning the Northern-Long Eared Bat on the Endangered Species Act.

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Protecting Taxpayers by Blocking $650 Billion in Student Loan Forgiveness Authorized by the Biden Administration.

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Combatting Skyrocketing Crime and Attacks on Police by Overturning the D.C. Council's Dangerous Policing and Criminal Justice Reforms.

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Overturning a Package of Dangerous Criminal Justice Reforms in DC which Weaken Mandatory Minimum Sentences and Fuel Greater Lawlessness.

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Strengthening Property Rights by Overturning Biden Administration Regulations Providing the EPA Overreaching Authority under the Waters of the United States Rule.

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Overturning a Biden Administration Rule Authorizing Fiduciaries to Invest in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors Against their Clients Best Interests.

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Increasing Transparency and Accountability within the Crony Commodity Checkoff Programs Mandated by Government.

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Reducing Spending to 2022 Levels (a $717 Million Reduction) within the Department of Agriculture and FDA Appropriation Bill.

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Eliminating an Unnecessary International Food Program and Redirecting the $240 Million in Savings to Deficit Reduction.

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Eliminating an Unnecessary International Foreign Aid Program and Redirecting the $1.74 Billion in Savings to Deficit Reduction.

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Cutting the Appropriation to a Rural Business Program Account, which is Utilized to Subsidize Solar and other Renewable Energy Initiatives, by 50% ($43 million).

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Reducing Spending by 6.5% within the National Resource Conservation Service, which has Funded Countless Politicized Initiatives Surrounding "Equity" and Climate Change.

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Cutting Spending to 2019 Levels within the National Agriculture Statistic Services and Redirecting the $13 Million in Savings to Deficit Reduction.

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Defunding the Farm to School Network's Racial Equity Learning Lab, which Promotes Critical Race Theory.

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Boosting American Energy Production by Prohibiting a Further Drain of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve Until a Larger Percentage of Federal Lands are Leased for Oil and Gas Production.

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Obstructing North American Energy Production by Prohibiting the Procurement of Oil from Canada or Mexico for the Restocking of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

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Hiking Energy Prices by Banning American Oil and Gas Extraction Across All Federal Land that Could be Viable for Renewable Energy Production.

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Cutting $707 Million in Wasteful Spending for the Institute of Education Sciences, which Promotes Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) within the Education System.

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Cutting $2.7 Billion in Funding that Enriches Woke Colleges and Universities that Indoctrinate Students in Radical Left Agendas.

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Reducing Wealth Redistribution through a $9.25 Billion Cut in Appropriations to the Higher Education Student Financial Assistance Account

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Cutting $22.5 Million at the Center for Disease Control that is Directed to Advancing Politicized Initiatives Surrounding Gun Control.

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Eliminating $240 Million in Wasteful Spending for the Crony Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, which Provides Corporate Welfare.

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Protecting Federal Employees' "Right to Work" by Defunding a Federal Labor Relations Rule Limiting the Ability of Workers to Opt-Out of Union Membership and Dues Collections.

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Promoting Fiscal Responsibility by Reducing Spending at the Consumer Product Safety Commission to 2019 Levels.

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De-Weaponizing the IRS by Prohibiting Funding for Firearms and Ammunition.

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Eliminating Funding for the White House Gender Policy Council, which Promotes DEI, Transgenderism, and Abortion.

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Strengthening Government Accountability by Restoring Congressional Oversight to the Community Advantage Small Business Lending Companies Program.

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Cutting Wasteful Spending by Striking $186.3 Million in Funds for the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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Cutting Wasteful Spending by Striking $186.3 Million in Funds for the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Protecting Taxpayers by Ending the EPA's Utilization of a Special Pay Schedule that has Resulted in Overpayment of Agency Employees.

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Protecting Taxpayer Funds from being Utilized for Politicized "Environmental Justice Activities".

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Increasing Fiscal Responsibility through a 2.8% Cut in Appropriations to the Departments of Interior and Environment.

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Cutting $2.5 Million from a Wasteful "Great Lakes Authority" that has No Website, Programs, or Federal Co-Chair.

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Protecting Taxpayers and the U.S. Economy by Defunding the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, which has Advanced a Radical Politicized Climate Change Agenda.

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Weakening National Security by Defunding the Continued Development and Upgrade of the U.S. Nuclear ICBM Program.

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Placing America First by Providing a $1.1 Billion Cut to "Economic Support" Foreign Aid that Restores the Spending Level Back to Pre-Covid.

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Placing America First by Providing a 50% Cut ($610 Million) to the USAID Program - An Entity where Expenditures have Become Heavily Politicized.

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Advancing Fiscal Responsibility by Striking Funding for an Unnecessary "Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe", which has Advanced a Politicized Gender Equality Agenda.

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Advancing Fiscal Responsibility by Striking $39 Million in Funding for the "United States Institute of Peace", which Advances a Left-Wing Political Agenda.

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Placing America First by Preventing Funding from Being Provided to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which has an Anti-American Bias.

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Strengthening Accountability of Taxpayer Funds by Ensuring No Cash is Provided to the United Nations Unless Explicitly Authorized by Congress.

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Defunding the "Special Presidential Envoy for Climate" led by John Kerry, which Advances a Radical Left-wing Environmental Agenda.

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Protecting Taxpayers by Cutting Funding to the "Refugee Travel Loan Program", which Serves as a Slush-Fund Enriching Politically Connected Foreign NGOs.

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Protecting Taxpayer Funds within the Aviation Appropriation Bill from Being Utilized to Fund Politicized Initiatives Surrounding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI).

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Increasing Fiscal Responsibility by Requiring the Submission of a Ukraine Strategy to Congress Prior to Delivery of any Additional Aid.

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Prohibiting Racial Discrimination by Government in Admission Practices for Military Service Academies.

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Strengthening Parental Rights by Prohibiting the Display of Pornographic and Racial Gender Ideology Books in DoDEA School Libraries.

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Strengthening the Integrity of the DoDEA School System by Prohibiting the Promotion of Divisive Concepts, such as Critical Race Theory.

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Weakening National Security by Striking Funding for the B83-1 Nuclear Gravity Bomb Designed to Destroy Deeply Buried Targets in Adversary Nations.

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Protecting Taxpayers from Being Forced to Pay for Transgender Sex Reassignment Surgeries through the DoD TRICARE Health Program.

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Weakening National Security by Reducing the Number of Nuclear ICB Missiles Held by the United States.

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Ensuring an "America First" Energy Agenda by Repealing an EPA Policy that Grants Bureaucrats the Power to Implement Draconian Regulations to Benefit Foreign Nations.

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Promoting Economic Growth through the "Lower Energy Costs Act", which Streamlines Regulations to Boost American Energy Production.

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Strengthening Government Transparency by Reporting the Impact Regulations have on Energy Costs for Americans and Domestic Energy Independence.

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Cutting Waste Within the Federal Education System by Block Granting the Funds to the States.

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Improving Educational Outcomes by Establishing a National School Voucher Program to Provide School Choice.

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Eliminating Safeguards Against Teachers being Trained in Radical Leftist Ideologies Which May be Passed Down to Students.

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Restoring Education Authority Back to the State and Local Level through the Abolishment of the Department of Education.

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Strengthening Transparency and Accountability within the Education System through a "Parents Bill of Rights".

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Granting Schools Authority to Teach Critical Race Theory and Distribute Books with Sexual and LGBTQ+ Content to Students.

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Protecting Individual Liberties by Terminating the COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

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Ensuring Veterans don't Lose their Second Amendment Rights if they Seek Assistance to Manage their Finances at the VA.

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Weakening an Open Border Immigration System by Defunding the Texas "Operation Lone Star" Border Security Operation, Which Includes Thousands of Police Officers and Miles of Barriers.

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Promoting an Open Border Immigration System by Eliminating the Requirement that DHS Prioritize the Detention of Illegal Immigrants.

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Cutting Wasteful and Politicized Bureaucracy through Defunding the "Office of Diversity in Biomedical Research" and Transferring the Savings to the Spending Reduction Account.

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Combatting Illegal Immigration by Prohibiting Federal Funding from Being Used to Provide Housing to Individuals Residing in the Country Unlawfully.

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Ensuring Taxpayer Funds within the Defense Bill are Not Spent on Pride Activities and LGBTQ+ Events which Should be Privately Organized.

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Increasing Government Transparency by Ensuring the Inflation-Impact Assessments Provided to Congress are also Made Available to Americans on the OMB Website.

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Strengthening National Security by Requiring Colleges and Universities to Disclose any Funding they Receive that is Tied to Designated Terrorist Organizations.

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Boosting Transparency on the Border Crisis by Publishing a Report on the Number of Illegal Immigrants Deported for Assaulting Law Enforcement Officers.

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Weakening the Check on Executive Branch Power by Requiring Congressional Approval for Just Regulations with Impacts of $1 Billion or More (Previously $100 Million) Under the "REINS" Act.

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Placing a Critical Check on the Regulatory Power of Unaccountable Bureaucrats within the Executive Branch Through the "REINS" Act.

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Strengthening the Check on Executive Branch Power by Requiring Congressional Approval for Regulations with Impacts of $50 Million or More (Previously $100 Million) Under the "REINS" Act.

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Reducing Regulatory Barriers for Businesses to Evaluate Potential Investors Ahead of an IPO through the "Encouraging Public Offerings Act".

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Reducing Government Overreach and Providing More Americans with the Ability to Invest in Venture Capital and Hedge Funds through the "Equal Opportunity for All Investors Act".

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Ensuring National Security through the Continuation of Sanctions on Iran's Missile and Drone Program upon the Expiration of the UN Ban.

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Denouncing Socialism and Opposing the Implementation of Socialist Policies in the United States.

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Preventing Voter Disenfranchisement by Nullifying a District of Columbia Law that Provides Voting Rights to Illegal Immigrants.

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Expressing Support for Law Enforcement and Opposing Calls to "Defund the Police" and Other Anti-Police Criminal Justice Reforms.

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Combatting the Biden Administration's Efforts to Infringe Consumer Cooking Options through the "Save Our Gas Stoves Act".

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Repealing the Biden Administration's Mortgage Rule that Hiked Fees on Responsible Borrowers to Subsidize the Loans of those with Bad Credit.

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Protecting Automotive Freedom and the Internal Combustion Engine by Preventing California and Other States from Imposing Mandates that All New Vehicles be Electric or Zero Emission.

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Strengthening Parental Rights by Repealing an Obama-Era Regulation that Prohibits Whole Milk from being Served in School Cafeterias.

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Protecting Taxpayers by Rescinding $72 Billion in Funding that was Provided to Weaponize the IRS Under the Inflation Reduction Act.

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Promoting Fiscal Responsibility through the "Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023", which Makes a $1.5 Trillion Debt Limit Hike Contingent on Multiple Spending Cuts.

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Strengthening National Security through the "Secure the Border Act", which Contains a Long List of Provisions Designed to Stop Illegal Immigration.

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Placing a Critical Check on the Powers of Unaccountable Bureaucrats within the Executive Branch through the "Separation of Powers Restoration Act" which Counters the "Chevron Deference".

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Reducing Healthcare Costs for Both Businesses and Employees through the "CHOICE Arrangements Act", which Bypasses Costly Mandates Under Obamacare.

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Protecting Vulnerable Children from Potentially Dangerous Criminals by Preventing Illegal Immigrants from Being Housed in Public Schools.

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Protecting American Energy Production by Blocking Biden's Executive Order "Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad".

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Blocking a Draconian Regulation that Forces Federal Contractors to Disclose Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Submit "Climate Targets" to an Entity Tied to Democratic Donors and George Soros.

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Blocking Biden Administration Mandates that Force 70% of New Car Sales to be Electric by 2032.

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Combatting Regulatory Overreach by Ensuring All Federal Rules Are Only Issued by the Individuals Who Have Been Appointed by the President and Confirmed by the Senate.

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Ensuring a Proper Investigation into the Business Dealings of Joe and Hunter Biden through the Authorization of an Impeachment Inquiry.

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Placing America First by Halting the Billions Provided to Ukraine at a Time when the U.S. is Facing a Border Crisis and Crippling Debt.

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Advancing a U.S. Financial Collapse by Lifting the Debt Limit without Enacting Any Significant Fiscal Restraints to Stop the Deficit Spending.

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Ensuring Only American Flags and Not Politicized or Cultural Flags Such as LGBTQ+ Pride are Flown at Military Installations and U.S. Embassies.

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Expressing Congress' Support of Eradicating Human Trafficking and Raising Awareness of the Practice.

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Protecting Life Through an Appropriations Bill Limiting the Distribution of Abortion-Inducing Drugs.

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Ensuring Only American Flags and Not Politicized or Cultural Flags, such as LGBTQ+ Pride, are Flown at DoD Facilities.

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Defunding a DOD Policy which Forces Taxpayers to Cover the Travel Expenses of Servicemembers Seeking Abortions.

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Protecting Life by Requiring Congressional Approval of Agency Actions which Increase Abortion.

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Protecting the Right to Life through the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act".

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Condemning Attacks on Pro-Life Facilities and Churches and Calling on the President to Utilize Law Enforcement to Support their Safety.

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Ensuring Fair Competition in School Sport Leagues by Prohibiting Biological Males from Competing in Female Competitions.

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