

Asm. Kevin Kiley headshot

Asm. Kevin Kiley

Republican - CA - 6th district

Overall Rating

2022: 94.38%

Ratings by Policy Category












Lawmaker Position

Growing Government Dependency by Providing Electric Bicycle Vouchers to Certain Individuals Based on Income.

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Against Moms

Attacking Second Amendment Rights through Additional Taxes on Firearms and Ammunition - Resulting in a 25% Sales Tax Rate.

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With Moms

Harboring Individuals who Performed Illegal Abortions by Prohibiting Law Enforcement Cooperation with Out-of-State Authorities.

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With Moms

Stifling Economic Growth by Codifying the State's Disastrous 2045 "Net-Zero" Carbon Goal.

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With Moms

Attempting to Force Firearm Manufacturers Out of Business by Exposing them to Frivolous and Costly Litigation.

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With Moms

Making California a "Sanctuary State for Abortion" by Prohibiting Enforcement of Civil Actions by Individuals or Entities from Other States.

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With Moms

Blocking Infrastructure and Freeway Expansions to Prevent "Racist Roadways".

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With Moms

Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Scholarships and Training for Abortion Providers by Establishing the "California Reproductive Health Service Corps".

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With Moms

Hiding the Practice of Abortion by Prohibiting Healthcare Providers, Insurers and Employers from Responding to Subpoenas Requesting Medical Information Related to Abortion.

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With Moms

Allowing the State Medical Board to Punish Doctors for Spreading Alleged "Misinformation" about COVID-19.

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With Moms

Placing Enormous New Costs on Businesses and Consumers by Mandating a 55% (Previously 40%) Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2030.

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With Moms

Providing "Free" Abortions to Women Earning up to 400% of the Federal Poverty Level.

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With Moms

Forcing Taxpayers to Fund Additional Doula Services Through the Creation of the "Birthing Justice for California Families Pilot Project".

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Against Moms

Funneling More Funds to Abortion by Imposing New Reporting Requirements on the $1 Monthly Abortion Surcharge on all Healthcare Plans.

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With Moms

Covering Up Infanticide by Prohibiting Coroner Investigations of Fetal Deaths.

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With Moms

Harming the Transportation Sector by Basing Infrastructure Funding and Prioritization on Advancing Climate Goals.

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With Moms

Channeling Tens of Millions of Additional Taxpayer Funds to Providers of Abortion in "Marginalized Communities".

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With Moms

Subjecting Restaurants to Unreasonable Labor Union Demands through the Creation of an Unaccountable "Fast Food Council" to Impose Regulations.

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With Moms

Weakening Election Integrity by Ending the Preservation of Vote by Mail Applications and Expanding Recipients of "Second" Mailed Ballots.

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With Moms

Preventing the Medical Board of California from Taking Disciplinary Action Against Physicians Who Performed Illegal Abortions in Other States.

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With Moms

Weakening Election Integrity through the Politicized Placement of Ballot Drop Boxes Across All State University Campuses.

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With Moms

Forcing Taxpayers to Spend Hundreds of Millions Annually to Provide Unemployment Benefits to Illegal Immigrants.

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With Moms

Further Expanding Firearm Seizures Without Due Process Through the "Gun Violence Restraining Order".

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With Moms

Hiking Taxpayer Costs through an Additional Small Business Procurement Mandate for Infrastructure Projects.

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Against Moms

Increasing Crime and Harming Public Safety by Placing a 6 Month Limit on Juvenile Probation.

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With Moms

Incentivizing Abortion by Expediting State Licensure of Doctors and Nurses who Intend to take the Lives of the Unborn.

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With Moms

Expanding the Regulatory State by Placing Costly New Reporting Mandates on Social Media Companies Concerning Content Policy Violations

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With Moms

Establishing a "Sanctuary State" for Transgender Procedures on Minors

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With Moms

Limiting American Energy Production Through New Draconian Restrictions on Oil and Gas Well Placement.

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With Moms

Promoting Abortion through the Creation of a State Website to Provide Information on Abortion Providers and How to Obtain Support Services Such as Airfare, Meals and Lodging.

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With Moms

Subjecting Employers to Further Harassment by Expanding the State's Pay Data Reporting Mandate to Include Contractors and Pay Publishing.

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With Moms

Increasing Government Dependency by Providing STD Treatment to all LGBTQ Individuals at the Expense of Taxpayers.

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With Moms

Attacking Firearm Owners and Second Amendment Rights by Allowing Anyone to Sue Another Individual Who Constructs, Transports or Sells a Firearm Banned by the State.

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With Moms

Threatening School Choice by Forcing Charter Schools to Participate in Costly State Retirement Programs.

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With Moms

Allowing Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives to Take the Lives of Unborn Children Through Abortion without Supervision of a Doctor.

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With Moms

Threatening Businesses with Higher Costs by Increasing the Stringency of the State's Cap-and-Trade Program.

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With Moms

Growing Government Dependency by Providing "Water Rate Assistance" to Certain Utility Payers based on Income.

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With Moms

Increasing Health Insurance Premiums by Mandating Policies Provide Abortion Services Without any Co-Pay or Deductible.

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With Moms

Further Driving Up Business Costs by Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Corporations

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With Moms

Increasing Taxpayer Costs by Worsening Protectionist Agricultural Procurement Mandates Placed on Schools and Universities.

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Against Moms

Weakening Parental Rights by Mandating Kindergarten Attendance for All Children.

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With Moms

Threatening Public Safety by Expunging Felony and Violent Criminal Records.

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With Moms

Infringing Second Amendment Rights and Defying the Supreme Court Ruling through New "Gun Free" Zones and Concealed Carry Law Changes.

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With Moms

Further Expanding Wealth Redistribution Under the State's Paid Leave Program by Hiking the Wage Replacement Rate to 90%.

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With Moms

Taking the Lives of the Unborn through a Constitutional Amendment Declaring a "Right" to Abortion.

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With Moms

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